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Year 3

Clas Description
There are two classes in Year 3. Please see below for our expectations for the year ahead and information about our curriculum.
English Language
Reading: Children learn to read accurately and understand simple and straightforward signs, labels and notices; demonstrate knowledge of alphabet in using wordbooks and simple dictionaries; demonstrate general understanding of simple texts; use pictures and contextual cues to describe what has happened in a story; begin predicting the meaning of stories and circumstances by using appropriate strategies; use varied strategies to read unfamiliar words; listen and respond to stories, poems and fiction with increasing enthusiasm and express personal opinions; develop a richer vocabulary and read aloud with fluency, accuracy and understanding.

Learn: Our students learn to produce independent pieces of writing; sequence events in chronological order; spell words correctly within their own writing, as well as monosyllabic words; begin to apply a wide range of spelling patterns; produce legible upper and lowercase letters in joined style; use adjectives, nouns and other verb tenses accurately in spoken and written work; check final drafts of writing for misspelling and other errors of presentation and revise and redraft written work.

Students will also take part in debates and carry out presentations. All students in Upper Primary participate in the UP Production.
Students are encouraged to be ambitious mathematicians who develop increasing confidence in their mental maths skills. Mathematical vocabulary and practical activities are as important as written work. This year, your child will consolidate addition and subtraction bonds to 20, as well as learn multiplication and division tables for 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10. Students are encouraged to be ambitious mathematicians who develop increasing confidence in their mental maths skills.

Our class work will encompass the following sub-disciplines:

- Number: The students will learn and reinforce the 4 operations using a variety of strategies. They will learn about place value, tens, units, hundreds and thousands and fractions.
- Shape and Space: The students will investigate patterns in the everyday environment.
- Handling Data: The students will use pictographs and display the investigation results using bar graphs and tally marks The students will learn how to interpret Venn and Carroll diagrams.
- Measures: The students will begin measuring length in centimeters and meters, litres and kilograms in capacity and weight activities. They will also be introduced to the concept of angles and right angles. They will learn and reinforce the concept of telling time in hours and minutes, quarter past, half past and quarter to.
Unit of Enquiry
In keeping with the philosophy of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP), Social Studies, Science, Visual Arts and Drama will be taught in trans-disciplinary units of inquiry under the Organising Themes:

- Who we are
- How we express ourselves
- How the world works
- Where we are in time and place
- How we share the planet
- How we organise ourselves

These themes will each run for 6 weeks. Teachers and students will generate questions for inquiry, then activities will be planned to respond to these questions. The classroom becomes a centre for inquiry where students acquire and practice skills and enhance their knowledge.
Library lessons will take place once a week and children will be able to borrow books during this time. Please ensure that these are returned on time. Library skills will also be taught and consolidated.
Year 3 art skills will incorporate the topics covered under the Organising Themes.
Information and Communication Technology
Year 3 will work on consolidating their knowledge of how to save work in their folders on the network in the various applications they are already familiar with. They will also learn more about MS Word processing applications.
Year 3 will learn about the treble clef, staff, rhythm patterns, percussion instruments, pulse, musical terms, graphic composition, pitch and musical elements. Throughout the year the students will be singing and doing listening activities.
Physical Education
The PE Department would like to remind and encourage the Year 3 students to come dressed in the recommended PE kit for PE lessons. As the season is getting hotter, they are also reminded to bring in an extra water supply to school on PE days. Furthermore, it is mandatory for everyone to acquire the accepted ISL swimming costume unless otherwise stated.
French and Spanish
Year 3 will be encouraged to develop oral skills using a variety of methods, for example, games, songs, videos and sketches. We shall also introduce more sophisticated skills such as listening, reading and writing.
Zambian Studies
Zambian Studies has been introduced this academic year to celebrate the culture and heritage of the host country Zambia. Students will be encouraged to develop communication skills in Chinyanja using different strategies. These will be integrated within the organising theme at each year level.
Please set aside a time and place for your child to complete his or her homework. English Language, Mathematics and unit of inquiry assignments will be given weekly. They should take no more than 30 minutes to complete this written work. Students will also be given a book to read at home every day followed by an activity. Each week students will be expected to complete an Education City activity online.
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